Mark Belkin (writer) and I, John Gagliano (artist), go way back to 2003. What started as a solid friendship turned into a creative partnership, giving life to our comic series DSM-10 and other wild one-offs like Seinfeld “The Lost Episode.”

Mark’s also the brains behind the DC in the 80’s fan zine, and he’s got a thriving Facebook group for it. You can jump in [here] if you’re into everything about DC comics in the 1980’s!

DSM-10 Kickstarter Campaign

About DSM-10

 DSM10 is at the cross section of mental illness, nihilism, super powers, and having a good time. It’s impossible to tell the complete stories of these people in one issue, but we want to introduce them to the world. 

Their mental illness comes from their powers, and the best way to deal with the illness is through therapy. So they go group therapy like once a week, and then they party. They are not really getting any better, because they don’t want to get any better. Because they are stupid, you know? Not stupid, just, confused. 

So John Gagliano (the artist) and Mark Belkin (the writer) want to print this comic up. Then they want to travel Cons and get it to people. Then they want to tell more of the characters stories. 


Mark Belkin (writer) and I, John Gagliano (artist), go way back to 2003. What started as a solid friendship turned into a creative partnership, giving life to our comic series DSM-10 and other wild one-offs like Seinfeld “The Lost Episode.”

Mark’s also the brains behind the DC in the 80’s fan zine, and he’s got a thriving Facebook group for it. You can jump in [here] if you’re into everything about DC comics in the 1980’s!

DSM-10 Kickstarter Campaign

About DSM-10

 DSM10 is at the cross section of mental illness, nihilism, super powers, and having a good time. It’s impossible to tell the complete stories of these people in one issue, but we want to introduce them to the world. 

Their mental illness comes from their powers, and the best way to deal with the illness is through therapy. So they go group therapy like once a week, and then they party. They are not really getting any better, because they don’t want to get any better. Because they are stupid, you know? Not stupid, just, confused. 

So John Gagliano (the artist) and Mark Belkin (the writer) want to print this comic up. Then they want to travel Cons and get it to people. Then they want to tell more of the characters stories. 

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